...when our hearts are full we need much less

  • Why the Hope?

    The defining moment in my life that shifted the way I was thinking...and brought me to ubuntu.

  • Who am I?

    Great question. Tough to answer.

  • What I do

    In the sense of living and breathing and working and playing.

  • November 24, 2008

    Yesterday I had brunch with some very important people in my life and we happened to get on the subject of Room to Read...(no...not me!) I gave the coles notes version of why I wanted to get involved in not-for-profit organizations and how my first huge inspiration came from John Wood of Room to Read. The majority of you have heard this story, so I'll just link to www.roomtoread.org if you want to read about this amazing charity and John's inspirational story.

    The book "Leaving Microsoft to Change the World," that John wrote after starting Room to Read also literally changed my life. I mentioned that at brunch and just after leaving the restaurant, got a message that a friend of mine was going straight to the bookstore to pick up a copy.

    Talk more, care more, share your inspirations and it will inspire others. It's the beautiful way it happens!

    PS - this weekend Tara and I sold 13 mosquito nets, enough exercise books to fill a classroom for a whole year in Africa and over $200 in UNICEF merchandise to help offset operating costs. What a wonderful day and thanks to all the people who care!


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