...when our hearts are full we need much less

  • Why the Hope?

    The defining moment in my life that shifted the way I was thinking...and brought me to ubuntu.

  • Who am I?

    Great question. Tough to answer.

  • What I do

    In the sense of living and breathing and working and playing.

  • May 16, 2012

    I completely and wholeheartedly endorse the idea of never losing sight of our dreams and fairy tales. This trailer reminds us.


    The funny thing about fairy tales, is that we forget about them so fast
    And we grow up, we buy things, we build up fences
    We sell our innocence and forget our dreams
    We forget who we are in order to be something we're not
    And we'll keep believing in this so called truths, until we forget how to live
    Or until we open our eyes, and wake up.


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