...when our hearts are full we need much less

  • Why the Hope?

    The defining moment in my life that shifted the way I was thinking...and brought me to ubuntu.

  • Who am I?

    Great question. Tough to answer.

  • What I do

    In the sense of living and breathing and working and playing.

  • November 14, 2008

    I just finished watching this movie and feel that it's vital that our generation realize how much we can make a change...by posting a link to facebook, by posting URL's to our blogs, to talking to our friends, to asking our employers "what can we do?" we are DOING SOMETHING.

    Don Cheadle is a huge part of this movie and in it he states, "I have so much passion and I don't know how to direct it." That is so true - so many people feel this way, but together we can do something. We can ask people to divest themselves from Sudan and the companies allowing this genocide to continue at http://www.sudandivestment.org. The genocide is occuring from a fight between Arabs and Africans, and the Government of Sudan allowing the "Janjaweed" a militia group, to take over villages and residents of Darfur and surrounding areas, and eliminate them.

    We all have a responsiblity as human beings to take care of each other, and to take care of the human spirit. You can see in the childrens faces there, that they are so similiar to children here. They have the spirit, the never-ending hope of a Canadian child. Even after all they've had to go through and see, that spirit is there. But it won't be forever. It's our duty to take care of them.

    I believe a large part of what I can do to help, or what i hope to do to help, is visit some of these area's one day in the future and bring the stories, true stories, back to my friends and family in Canada, so that we can rally together here and make a change - whether it's providing food for the displaced or money for the families that are trying to find each other again - or by divesting ourselves from the large, beaurocratic oil companies that are funding these types of genocides.

    We can give to organizations like the World Food Program that are currently located in Darfur, trying to bring food to the millions that have been displaced.

    We can educate ourselves on the genocide: http://www.genocideintervention.net/educate/darfur."Those who believe they have the power, will lose the power." The International Criminal Court is fighting for this statement to be true. To bring justice to these large beaucratic companies who currently believe they have the power to be doing what they are.

    I believe that if we can elect an African-American president to one of the most powerful countries in the world, and if we can still have smiles and love and kindness in the hard times America and the world are going though, then we can do this.

    We can make a change together!


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