...when our hearts are full we need much less

  • Why the Hope?

    The defining moment in my life that shifted the way I was thinking...and brought me to ubuntu.

  • Who am I?

    Great question. Tough to answer.

  • What I do

    In the sense of living and breathing and working and playing.

  • February 17, 2012

    People have an innate need to be connected. Let's remember that. In India I was maybe the only person there without a cell phone. Just yesterday, I received an email from three girls that were in the Adolescent girls class I taught at one of the slums in Jaipur. They just got broadband there.

    "In Haiti, people were turning to SMS. People that were hungry and hurting were signaling their distress, were signaling their help."

    TARA was created out of the Haiti earthquake. TARA: Trilogy Emergency Response Application: used to support AID since the earthquake in Haiti to help communities prepare for disasters, signaling early weather warnings, for health awareness campaigns like Cholera and for sensitive issues like gender violence.

    Let's remember technology is transformational. The grassroots has been strengthened. The Kibera example he speaks about is so powerful. Rendering the invisible visible.

    Please watch this:


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