...when our hearts are full we need much less

  • Why the Hope?

    The defining moment in my life that shifted the way I was thinking...and brought me to ubuntu.

  • Who am I?

    Great question. Tough to answer.

  • What I do

    In the sense of living and breathing and working and playing.

  • February 27, 2012

    I understand that's a very heavy statement to make and I don't mean to offend anyone in any way; however, I did get your attention. And now, you've got to watch this video for some staggering facts regarding nutrition.

    The understanding of how nutrition needs to become our main and major focus (in many ways, but specifically for healing ourselves compared to modern medicine) has been building in my life over the past year or so as I journey with a girlfriend of mine who is battling an illness naturally, using nutrition to heal her physical being. The more I pay attention, the more it's starting to come up in many ways in my life. I find myself having a conversation about self sustaining nutrition no matter who I'm talking too, whether it's in my hairdresser's chair or visiting with my closest friends.

    I don't mean nutrition can cure every disease; however, it is our key to prevention and to healing ourselves. How did we get so backwards in our value systems? Society lives around big houses and excessive trucks and expensive jewelry or clothes and corporate business and corporate farming. When do we fit time in to grow our own food, or just to shop often and local and cook healthy meals? And the costs, do we ever budget for food as one of our biggest expenses? We should be. Think about it, as a society we spend much more on rent, mortgage, truck and car payments, entertainment and clothes than we do on our food bills. But food and what we eat is what we become, shouldn't we be paying closer attention to that? There's a rat race to get the most money and the biggest and brightest baubles, but we're exhausting the earth and it's resources and our time. Wouldn't it be easier if we all moved to an organic commune and held hands and grew our own food?

    Just kidding. I know that's not possible (for everyone) but I am trying to say that it would be much more of a simple lifestyle if we all had gardens, grew sprouts and shopped local to lessen the crazy amount of food that must travel a million miles before coming to rest on a large grocery chains shelf. And who I am to say this when right now I have none of the above? I'm a silly hopeful dreamer of course. We can change our stories anytime we want too. Knowledge is power and the first step.

    And why aren't doctors prescribing more natural ways of curing our physical bodies? Indigenous cultures knew the many benefits that natural medicines could offer, but over time they were overtaken by large medical and pharmaceutical companies. It doesn't help that said companies make billions of dollars based on prescribing life long drug medications.

    Superfoods. This is what we need in our lives. Goji berries. Raw cacao. Maca powder. Ginger. Acai. Wheatgrass. Honey. "The #1 thing we're doing on this planet is growing things." Agriculture and nutrition are the key to sustaining our lives and making them a whole lot better. We just need the time and money to focus some attention on them.

    Yesterday I watched this video, Food Matters, and well - you can see for yourself and make your own decisions. It presents the facts. You decide what you want to do with it. Stack the deck in your favour. Build your immune system nutritionally. Use vitamins to help your body fight all diseases.

    The Detox and Rejuvination Guide is really good too that I downloaded last night.
    Check it out >>

    It all comes back to YOU. YOU have the power to make any kind of change you want too. I know I'm going to try. And hey, the road might just be delicious.


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