I just came across this magnificent piece of art on the interweb and needed to share. Since I spend a good amount of time alone and I am oh so down with that, I thought it was important to celebrate this. It's a delicious thing, to spend some time alone. To enjoy your own company, free of checking your cell phone every two seconds for a text or a tweet. It's not just liberating, it's a reminder that you, yes you, deserve your own attention.
If you've ever read Love, Freedom & Aloneness by Osho, you're halfway there. As he discusses: Aloneness is the joy of being just yourself. It is being joyous with yourself, it is enjoying your own company. There are very few people who enjoy their own company. And it is a very strange world: nobody enjoys his company and everybody wants others to enjoy his company! ...if YOU cannot enjoy your own company, who else is going to enjoy it?
My hands down, favourite quote of his is:
You can be alone, but that aloneness may not be true aloneness. It may be only loneliness, and you may be thinking and fantasizing about all kinds of things. Aloneness comes out of awareness; it has nothing to do with where you are in the outside world but where you are in the INSIDE world.
Where are you in the inside world? Maybe it's time to ask ourselves that.
If you've ever read Love, Freedom & Aloneness by Osho, you're halfway there. As he discusses: Aloneness is the joy of being just yourself. It is being joyous with yourself, it is enjoying your own company. There are very few people who enjoy their own company. And it is a very strange world: nobody enjoys his company and everybody wants others to enjoy his company! ...if YOU cannot enjoy your own company, who else is going to enjoy it?
My hands down, favourite quote of his is:
You can be alone, but that aloneness may not be true aloneness. It may be only loneliness, and you may be thinking and fantasizing about all kinds of things. Aloneness comes out of awareness; it has nothing to do with where you are in the outside world but where you are in the INSIDE world.
Where are you in the inside world? Maybe it's time to ask ourselves that.
Not to say that I don't believe in relationships by the way. I'm a very social creature (no! not me!) I savour all of my relationships, with my best friends, soul partners and family. "In fact, mountain/valley are one thing, so are love and meditation, so are relationship and aloneness. The mountain of aloneness rises only in the valleys of relationship. In fact, you can enjoy aloneness only if you can enjoy relationship. It is relationship that creates the need for aloneness, it is a rhythm."
Healthy balances. Ebb and flow. Everything always come back to that! But do spend some time alone, even for just a moment. Remind yourself of the rockstar you are and take yourself out for tea. LOVE
--- For more awesome Osho inspirations on aloneness vs. loneliness, click here >>
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