A short exceprt from the program I will be volunteering with:
We've got fantastic news. You've been accepted into the India Volunteer Program! The time you put into your application is much appreciated, and we are delighted to advise that GVN has selected you to volunteer in India.
As a volunteer in our India program, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of women by empowering them with education and life skills so they have the skills needed to overcome poverty and advance towards the same opportunities as their peers around the world.
Here at Global Volunteer Network we partner with local organizations (Indian Network for Development Exchange (IDEX) who are best placed to identify their country's greatest development needs. We will help you prepare for your placement and once you are in-country you will have the support of our local partner. By volunteering you will be a part of the GVN movement which takes action against poverty and you will gain experience and personal growth by doing so.
Women Empowerment Program
Many women in India have not had the opportunity to gain a quality or as equal an education as their male counterparts, as the country has traditionally favoured the education of men over that of women. You have the opportunity to empower women whose access to education and life skills has been disadvantaged, such as women who live in slums, women who have experienced domestic violence, orphaned adolescent girls, and women from self-help groups. Volunteers will work with women to build self-confidence and self-esteem through counselling and teaching vocational skills such as English, computer skills, basic math, sewing, and hairdressing, as well as educating women on the importance of family planning, motherhood, and healthcare and hygiene.
We've got fantastic news. You've been accepted into the India Volunteer Program! The time you put into your application is much appreciated, and we are delighted to advise that GVN has selected you to volunteer in India.
As a volunteer in our India program, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of women by empowering them with education and life skills so they have the skills needed to overcome poverty and advance towards the same opportunities as their peers around the world.
Here at Global Volunteer Network we partner with local organizations (Indian Network for Development Exchange (IDEX) who are best placed to identify their country's greatest development needs. We will help you prepare for your placement and once you are in-country you will have the support of our local partner. By volunteering you will be a part of the GVN movement which takes action against poverty and you will gain experience and personal growth by doing so.
Women Empowerment Program
Many women in India have not had the opportunity to gain a quality or as equal an education as their male counterparts, as the country has traditionally favoured the education of men over that of women. You have the opportunity to empower women whose access to education and life skills has been disadvantaged, such as women who live in slums, women who have experienced domestic violence, orphaned adolescent girls, and women from self-help groups. Volunteers will work with women to build self-confidence and self-esteem through counselling and teaching vocational skills such as English, computer skills, basic math, sewing, and hairdressing, as well as educating women on the importance of family planning, motherhood, and healthcare and hygiene.
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