After six client events, two regional meetings, five flights, six cities, a social, an end-of-the-world party, Christmas, a new nephew and a 2 year old's birthday party...I'm finally heading home. To Kelowna. The one place I've adopted as my "permanent" home (for the time being!)
The word home means many things to me. It can mean Virden, Gull Lake, Swift Current, Saskatoon, or Winnipeg. It sometimes is simply where my friends live, whether it's Aerin's home, Ashley's, or Tara's. It's a wonderful thing, the concept of home. And it makes my heart warm to think of the many cherished people I've got to see.
But holy heck I can't wait to see my closet. Multiple choices of sweaters, plaid shirts or jeans would be nice. And to see my Kitty! To cook in my own kitchen and sleep in my own bed.
Little stretches. |
One thing I was thinking about this morning is what are the really important things in life? When you're a "gypsy" and travelling all around, you can only carry so many things with you. But you can still have a really
rich life. So then I thought about my newborn nephew and how much newborns can teach you about life:
- Always stretch your heart out after a sleep. It feels so good!
- Remember to smile (Even if it's just because you have gas. Hey it's a natural thing!)
- Take some time to sleep as often and as much as you like. Wake up to eat every once in awhile and then go back to bed.
- Being held and feeling loved is really the only thing that's important at this stage. Well...that and having your diaper changed! But newborns really only care about the basics and I think we all should too. Life has a way of getting so complicated (as my Dad has told me a dozen times this trip, "Your life is really complicated!") and we have to remember to go back to the basics. Going home for the holidays should always teach us that.
Food, love, friends and family. What more in life do we need?
Missing Greg, Dena & Keira. |
Cousins! |
Oh - except cake. We always need more cake! |
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